The Truth About Parkinson's
At last, The Only Program That Helps Overcome Parkinson's Safely and Naturally.
Hear from the world’s top doctors and Nobel Prize winners and learn how to eliminate harmful prescription drugs and take your life back for good!
Product Name: The Parkinson's Breakthrough Program
Official Website: Click Here
Are you sick and tired of dealing with the symptoms of Parkinson's disease...
- tremors
- muscular rigidity
- difficulty walking
- fatigue and loss of energy
- poor balance
- insomnia
- muscle weakness, cramps or spasms
urinary problems or constipation
fear or anxiety
memory loss, mental confusion or dementia
sexual dysfunction
“side-effects” of your medications...
If you're sick and tired of being Sick and Tired, then this will be the most important letter you'll ever read.
I’m writing you today because I want to tell you about a breakthrough scientific discovery about Parkinson's. If you read it… I promise you'll be immensely rewarded. If you fully understand it, you won't want to miss a single day of your life without it.
Let me explain...
There is new research out for people with Parkinson's… thousands of people like you have systematically and effectively managed their condition.
And chances are, you won't hear or read about this anywhere else, because it isn't in the interest of pharmaceutical companies or medical professionals to inform you. “Why?” You might ask.
• If everybody knew about it, pharmaceutical companies couldn't sell their life-long maintenance drugs anymore.
• Pharmaceutical companies and medical professionals would lose millions of dollars in profits. This is why you will only hear about this through word of mouth, or, on the Internet.
• It is terrifying for pharmaceutical companies to realize that this natural discovery, without the use of medicine, is helping people overcome their Parkinson's.
How is that possible, you ask? “I thought Parkinson's couldn’t be cured?”
You’re right. At least, partially.
With traditional medicine, Parkinson's can never be cured. Traditional medicine “fights” Parkinson's through drugs that treat the symptoms of the disease, but never deals with the root cause of the problem.
In fact, doctors acknowledge they have no idea WHAT causes Parkinson's, they don't know how to cure it—but here is a prescription for some drugs anyway. (sound familiar?)
Does that make sense to you? Why would you take drugs if doctors don't know what Parkinson's is, what caused it, or how to cure it? Yet, people do just that for every physical condition, such as Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Cholesterol, Arthritis, Cardio-Vascular diseases, And… Parkinson's.
In the West, we have a high incidence of these diseases that practically don’t exist in “undeveloped” parts of the world. This has been known for a long time, and for years, top leading microbiologists and medical scientists have searched for an answer.
Well they finally discovered the answer. They discovered that it is our modern lifestyle that is actively causing these diseases.
The body is designed to heal itself—provided it has what it needs to do its job.
And your diet is one of the major influences on your Parkinson's condition.
How can our diet have such a big impact on our body?
I’ll explain with a metaphor. Picture your body as a car, that was designed to function on all-natural, organic, fuel. The car is a living, breathing machine not unlike the human body. For 2 million years, this car has been using fuel such as:
water / seeds / nuts / grasses / herbs / roots / fruits / vegetables / cereals.
THAT'S the fuel it is used to.
MOREOVER, THAT'S the fuel its entire system is based upon. It was MADE from that stuff.
Then, suddenly, after 2,000,000 years… that car switches over to – for the last 100 years – a new, modern mixture of:
sugar / sweets / biscuits / crisps / chocolate / coffee / coca-cola / fats & oils / cigarettes / alcohol / vinegar / pharmaceutical drugs / chemicals, pesticides, and preservatives (loads of them) / etc.
What do you think would happen to this 'vehicle'?
If you keep pouring in fuels that your body can't process properly… then eventually your “motor” starts experiencing serious difficulties.
Some people develop tumours. Other people have Cholesterol levels that are through the roof. For you, your diet and lifestyle is causing the condition commonly referred to as Parkinson's.
This condition is simply a symptom of a very fundamental and dangerous imbalance within your body, and Parkinson's is simply the initial way it is manifesting itself from within.
If you really think about that — it means that — Parkinson's is not a Disease, But A Symptom of Your True Disease Inside Your Body: The Root Cause.
In reality, Parkinson's is not the ‘disease’ at all. It is a "symptom" — an outward "signal" — of a damaged inner terrain that simply is too polluted, toxic, and acidic! A compromised, toxic, acidic inner terrain is a breeding ground for all kinds of “problems” to proliferate.
These pollutants, toxic and acidic wastes collect in the weakest parts of the body and start tearing the body's processes down. That's what these scientists have found. Parkinson's doesn't just happen, it is the direct result of a breakdown inside your body.We're not paying attention to the SOURCE of our problems
and until we do,
these problems are going to continue and even get worse.
When millions of people around the world start experiencing the same health problems, something is seriously wrong. Something is unbalanced. And it's never an "accident".What scientists have now discovered is... that the “Root Cause” of Parkinson's is the modern lifestyle, causing your body to become diseased by acids; sugars‚ carbohydrates‚ excess fats and uric acid (all very common in our modern diets) keep flowing through our bloodstream.
Therefore, any condition is merely a warning sign of a breakdown in your body due to your lifestyle that takes you out of balance — this is when you develop that cluster of symptoms called "Parkinson's." And if you don't stop the attacks on your body, you develop even more serious conditions and eventually truly life-threatening health problems.
The radical change in diet and lifestyle in the last 100 years has actually transformed your body into a toxic wasteland.
Now here’s what’s exciting: As soon as these acids stop overflowing your body, your body gets a rest from constantly working to absorb and neutralize them. When you "cleanse" the body from the overflow of acids, it starts to heal and rebuild itself. It starts to recover and gradually it starts to reverse the symptoms of your Parkinson's and restore your body to a state of Vibrant Health & Energy!
Once you focus on the ‘Root Cause’ of your Parkinson's — you instantly start seeing Parkinson's from a different perspective — instead of "Medication" and "fighting the symptoms," you start thinking about "Health" and treating the cause.
The simple and overlooked truth about Parkinson's — and many other modern diseases — is that it's infinitely more important to pay attention to what you put inside your body, than to have to deal with the symptoms that drugs can fight from the outside.
As you well know, Parkinson's drugs simply mask symptoms. They do not cure; actually they exacerbate the problem as they weaken your immune system. What is meant to help you out only make matters worse.
So what’s the solution then?
The solution to all of this is to get back into your natural state of vibrant health... by "cleansing" yourself from the inside, allowing your body to rest and heal itself by stopping once and for all the incessant attacks on your inner terrain.
You see, for every disease, your immune system is triggered and your body can restore every wound, diseased organ or damaged cell that it needs to – but it cannot do that if you keep polluting it, your body simply can’t keep up!
You would think that in this modern age of technological and medical advances that medicine would have found a cure. BUT, the cure does NOT lie in medication and drugs… The Cure Lies In Bringing Your Immune System Back Into Shape. But you need to provide your body with the right tools...
Here’s just a few things you’ll learn about how to get back into health... and conquer Parkinson's...
- Those not-so “innocent” yet everyday toxins that are currently attacking your body, perpetuating and aggravating your Parkinson's. They’re everywhere today — including household cleaning products, plastics and air pollution. You’ll learn the best way for detoxifying your body to get these nasty chemicals out of your body.
- Why we all are becoming so prone to killer diseases. Find out how the pharmaceutical and food industry are conspiring to poison you and make you sick (Hint: American medical system is now the leading cause of death in the US).
- What to do and what NOT to do to treat the underlying root cause of your Parkinson's and reverse the symptoms naturally and effectively.
- Which food industries use advertising to encourage doctors to tell you that their “food” is good for you – just like those cigarette ads in the 1950’s!
- The single most effective fruits and vegetables in cleaning up excess acidic waste… and how to cleanse your inner terrain completely from systemic acidosis.
- Why, what your Doctor has told you is wrong, and why many medications actually increase the side effects and complications of Parkinson's (primarily by depleting vital vitamins, minerals and nutrients from your body).
- Which supplements every Parkinson's patient must take to boost the body's ability to heal the autoimmune system.
- How to naturally reduce your cravings for toxic foods.
- Lifestyle and food choices to reverse your Parkinson's fast, naturally, and for good.
- The most powerful creator of health (Hint: it’s not a food or vitamin!)
- The best way to simplify the task of making a health-conscious lifestyle adjustment.
- A scientific discovery that jump-starts your body to do its natural work, which is to heal itself and restore your Health, and thereby truly fix this seemingly impossible disease.
As your natural inner balance is restored, you will begin to experience renewed energy, absence of pain and aches, and more and more of your symptoms associated to Parkinson's will disappear... They’re your first steps to freedom from Parkinson's medication!
And while you keep supporting your body in this way, it will eventually recover completely, giving you back your health and freedom from a life of taking drugs and only getting sicker.
You won’t believe what a difference this makes in your life. I love getting letters from people who’ve struggled with Parkinson's for years and are now charged with unstoppable energy and an enormous sense of freedom and liberation...
Their doctors were shocked... and at a complete loss for words at their recovery.
Here are a few of the many success stories that I’ve received...
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