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This Bacteria Causes Memory Loss! - ProMind Complex

 3 years ago, my poor grandchild was almost roasted to death because of my wife’s memory problems…

(Click here to watch the video)

It all started out so innocently… She was burning cookies, forgetting her keys, forgetting a name now and then… I didn’t expect her to suddenly get full blown Alzheimer’s. I realized something was terribly wrong when she forgot our 2-year-old grandchild Liam in the boiling hot car, at 120 degrees during one of the worst Texas heat waves that hit the state in the past 100 years…almost roasting him to death...

And after many trials, I’ve perfected a simple, yet powerful formula, consisting of amazing vitamins and plants - such as Huperzine A, Ginkgo biloba Leaf, Vincopetine St. John’s Wort, Bacopa monnieri and many others!

I couldn’t keep this all to myself...

So, together with the help of some friends who own a small supplement company, I’ve decided to produce it and make it available for everybody:

We called it: “ProMind Complex”

Product name: ProMind Complex
Official Website: Click here

Memory loss doesn’t happen because of genetics, age, or a bad lifestyle…

Instead, recent breakthrough studies from reputable institutions such as Harvard Medical School, University at Buffalo, University of Leeds and many more have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that all memory problems are all caused by this one common bacteria in your body.

A bacteria once thought to be harmless…is now proven to be the leading cause of memory loss.

It may sound like science fiction, but it is true: This bacteria uses your body as its personal feeding ground, and nests for years inside your body and brain cells before feeding on them... These top medical institutes are finally starting to admit the threat is real: It has already infected more than 2.5 million Americans. People born before the 1960s are the most vulnerable.

Perhaps the scariest thing is, that its symptoms come on SLOWLY…

You may never realize your poor memory, headaches or low energy is caused by this strange bacteria hiding in your brain…until it finally takes over, wrecks your brain and forces you to seek medical attention.

Fortunately, there is a simple morning breath test you can do to find out if you are infected, and if so, how to get rid of it before it causes full blown Alzheimer’s (as in the case of my wife) And once you know how to get rid of it, you'll be able to live your life to the fullest while making sure you'll never need anyone to babysit as you live out your golden years in an old-people home instead of your own...

 I will show you the undeniable scientific truth:

- Why are there people with perfect memory well into their 90s while others experience forgetfulness in their 40’s
- The real root cause of memory loss - How a common bacteria will decide whether you'll lose your memories at 40 or at 60 years old
- The simple breath test you can do tomorrow morning in order to see if you're at risk or no
- The 2019 buried Harvard study that showed the real root cause of memory loss (and why nobody dares to talk about it)
- And the simple 30-second method that can bullet proof your brain cells against the memory-devouring bacteria.

6 Simple Memory Techniques
Anyone Can Try Today

1. Drink water.This may sound so simple, but it is so important. Your brain is 80% water, so avoid anything that dehydrates it – such as caffeine or alcohol. Being dehydrated by just 2% impairs performance in tasks that require attention, immediate memory skills, and physical performance.

2. Add in additional sensory information. When learning something new, try to incorporate as much appropriate sensory information as possible. Take in what you hear, see, smell and touch to give the information more context.

3. Get good sleep. Sleep rejuvenates all the cells in your body, gives brain cells a chance to repair themselves, helps wash away neurodegenerative toxins that build up during the day, and activates neuronal connections that might otherwise deteriorate due to inactivity. Research has demonstrated that sleep deprivation can cause dramatic memory deficits. Practice good sleep hygiene to optimize your sleep habits.

4. Utilize Mnemonic Devices Mnemonic devices are a technique often used by students to aid in recall. A mnemonic is simply a way to remember information. For example, you might associate a term you need to remember with a common item that you are very familiar with. The best mnemonics are those that utilize positive imagery, humor, or novelty.

5. Avoid toxins. Smoking and drug and alcohol abuse increase your risk for dementia, so if these are a problem for you, stopping immediately decreases these risk factors. Even a glass of beer or wine per day can be harmful to the brain and can make it look toxic. And recent research demonstrates that smoking negatively affects the hippocampus, the brain’s major memory center.

6. Read Out Loud. Research published in 2017 suggests that reading materials out loud significantly improves​ your memory of the material. Educators and psychologists have also discovered that having students actually teach new concepts to others enhances understanding and recall.

Learn More: 

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