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Trouble Spot Nutrition - Automatically "Burning Off" Stubborn Fat

 Do you know the specific hormone responsible for YOUR body's most stubborn fat? Keep reading to find out the exact foods you need to eat to STOP hormone related fat storage year after year...

 Product Name: Trouble Spot Nutrition

Official Website: Click here! 

Nutritionist Discovers an Enzyme that INSTANTLY Eliminates Hormonal Related Fat Storage For Men and Women Over 40, While Melting Away "Stubborn" Fat From Your WORST Problem Areas...

Introducing The Worlds Very First...

Body Part Specific 3 Phase Nutrition System that Balances Your Hormones, While Automatically "Burning Off" Stubborn Fat From Your Worst Problem Fat Areas:

Trouble Spot 


3 Phase Hormonal Solution to Losing Fat from your Worst Problem Areas

The ONLY Nutritionist Designed Program That Deactivates Fat Storage, Targets and Balances Specific Hormones and Eliminates Stubborn Fat Trouble Spots.

WITHOUT: Insane Workouts, Eating Zero Carbs, Taking Risky Drugs or Dangerous Supplements.

Backed by years of research, Trouble Spot Nutrition targets the NUMBER ONE REASON why you and millions of other men and women over the age of 35 cannot lose fat from your hips, thighs, lower abs, love handles, back of the arms and chest- hormonal imbalance.

Trouble Spot Nutrition is specially designed to "TARGET" specific areas of stubborn fat on your body and balances the hormones that are causing your body to store fat in those areas.

Here's The 3 Phase System And Exactly How It Works...


DEACTIVATE HSD (Your Bodies Fat Storage Enzyme)

You probably believe the theory that stress increases cortisol hormone levels resulting in more belly fat- but this is only partially true. In fact, you may be one of the millions of people who have a very difficult time losing fat from your trouble spots despite having normal levels of cortisol.

Here is the truth about cortisol- inside of your fat cells there is an enzyme called 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 or HSD. This enzyme converts inactive cortisone into the fat storing compound cortisol.

When HSD is activated; it will cause people with otherwise normal cortisol levels to store fat in their worst trouble spots.Conversely, an inactive HSD level explains why some super stressed people never gain body fat.

If you are currently eating a healthy diet, getting sufficient sleep and exercising and still have a problem losing trouble spot fat HSD is likely a big part of the problem.

Higher activity of HSD means a higher rate of fat storage in your trouble spots. HSD activity is genetically determined and until recently only blocked using drugs.

However, recent research into compounds known as flavonoids proves that HSD can be blocked naturally using common foods. In fact, one food in particular contains a substance known as polymethoxylated flavonoids or PMFs and can reduce HSD activity 500% more than other flavonoids!

In Phase 1 you will DEACTIVATE your HSD levels using our exclusive DRS Cleanse. This simple nutrition plan will accomplish three crucial (but often overlooked) fat loss functions:

  • Detox - your liver
  • Reduce - inflammation
  • Suppress - HSD

You WILL NOT have to exercise during this phase. In fact, if you have been exercising hard up to this point I want you to stop all activity that would be considered "working out".

Instead, you have the option of doing some simple and easy movements (like walking). You can expect very significant fat loss during this first phase (despite the lack of intense exercise).

In fact, you may find that you lose all the fat you need to during this phase. When this happens to you simply skip Phase 2 and move right into Phase 3. It's completely up to you.


TARGET Stubborn Fat Deposits with Hormone Balancing Nutrition

Where you store fat on the OUTSIDE of your body tells you a lot about what's happening on the INSIDE with regards to your hormonal state.

Below is a body map explaining the connection between WHERE you store body fat and potential hormonal imbalance that may be causing it.

In Phase 2 you will be following simple and highly personalized guidelines based upon WHERE you hold onto trouble spot fat and the HORMONE IMBALANCE that is causing it.

This nutritionist designed meal plan is the perfect solution to your specific trouble spot hormone problem.

There is nothing drastic or complicated about this nutrition plan. In fact, it is dead simple to follow and will strip away stubborn fat and correct your hormonal imbalance while preserving (or increasing) your lean, sexy muscle.

Results will come quickly at which time you have the option of moving on to Phase 3...


ACTIVATE Your Trouble Spot Shrinking Hormone

I designed this science based exercise program to be the PERFECT MATCH for the Trouble Spot Nutrition system.

Phase 3 will dramatically increase release of your body's primary fat burning hormone- ADRENALINE.

Using simply your bodyweight, this phase is only to be used IF you want to speed up your results and improve muscle tone in a particular area such as your abs, glutes, shoulders, arms or legs.

If you have tried other diets in the past it is likely that you experienced high cortisol levels and lost too much muscle. This loss of lean muscle damages your metabolism making it almost impossible for you to keep the fat off from your trouble spots.

Phase 3 is NOT for bodybuilders or people who want to look like the hulk (how dated is that look lol!) Phase 3 is ONLY for those women and men who wish to repair their metabolism and sculpt and tone their problem trouble spots in the safest, fastest way possible using nothing more than your bodyweight.

There is no gym required and the specific movements can be done in less than 15 minutes per day in the comfort of your own home.

Best of all these simple but highly effective movements WILL NOT mess up your bodies newly restored hormonal balance like so many of those other crazy workout programs do. PLUS the movements are easy on your joints and lower back.

There is something else you MUST know...

Even If You're Eating "Healthy"...

Your Current Diet Could Be Making Your Hormone Imbalance Problem WORSE If You Don't Know The EXACT Foods To Eat!

Over the past 15+ years, Janet and I have literally seen it all when it comes to approaches to losing stubborn fat.

In fact, we would often share stories at the end of a long day and were surprised by how many people still bought into the old, out dated concept that food was nothing more than "fuel" and all that matters is the amount of food you eat- not the types of foods you consume.

We knew that this type of approach may work for the "twenty something" crowd with great genetics and no hormonal issues BUT is completely useless and possibly dangerous for women and men over 35 and those with hormone related body fat issues.

Trying to lose stubborn fat without addressing the underlying hormonal cause is like putting a band aid on a broken leg- it just doesn't fix the problem. You require a different approach and one that is specific to your body's unique hormonal needs.

Seeing how we are both in our forties we needed to find a solution that would work for people like us- folks who are too busy to work out for an hour every day and are looking for a solution to the fat that was slowly gathering on our worst trouble spot areas.

And that was when Trouble Spot Nutrition was born- we simply could not find a nutrition plan that was designed to address our personal hormonal issues and melt away fat specifically from trouble spot areas like lower belly, love handles, back of arms and outer thighs.

Just remember this-

A Hormone Balancing Nutrition Plan That Deactivates Your Fat Storing Enzyme, While "Targeting" Trouble Spot Fat is Extremely Unique and Next To Impossible To Find!

Unless you have gone to a University, become a top personal trainer, married a nutritionist and spent more than a decade in private practice working with real women and men with hormone imbalance and extremely hard to lose body fat - you simply WILL NOT find this level precise, research backed, personalized information anywhere but on this page.

Of course there have been many books written about fat loss, hormones and losing abdominal fat but it would take you hundreds of hours surfing through countless web sites and reading dozens of dry, boring scientific papers on hormones just to find only about half of what Janet and I cover in Trouble Spot Nutrition.

Your time is more valuable than that and that is why we put together this system and did all the hard work for you. We have condensed ALL of the research, diets and meal plans into one short, easy to read and understand guidebook that you can read and implement into your life (and start seeing results) in less than 2 hours.

Even if you did manage to find some useful information amongst the thousands of pages of scams and B.S on the Internet you still would not have access to the insider details we uncovered after years of working with real people.

We have found that it is often the smallest detail that can "make or break" the results a person experiences and we share EVERYTHING when you make the wise decision to own your own copy of Trouble Spot Nutrition.

This Works for AnyoneMale or Female, No Matter How Old (or Young) or What Shape You are in!

For years the infomercials and supplement companies have been lying to you over and over again...

"Just cut your carbs and exercise with all out intensity and your problem fat areas will magically disappear"


"Just rub this cream on you trouble spots and watch the fat melt away"

...These are both flat out lies!

The truth is you could eat zero carbs, exercise day and night while covered in some "fat melting" cream and still have problem fat areasif your fat storage enzymes are active and your hormones are even slightly out of balance.

And the best part is once you use our system and achieve hormonal balance (critically important if you are over the age of 35) the fat will fall off WITHOUT having to rub on smelly creams, endure hours of dangerous, high intensity exercise or some annoying dude screaming at you through your television set.

That's because OUR system WORKS for EVERYBODY without having to resort to these types of extreme methods.

In fact, Janet wasn't able to exercise at all for 6 months after our twins were born. However, because of the methods outlined in Trouble Spot Nutrition she was able to stay lean, healthy and full of energy. Best of all Janet and I are able to eat lots of tasty food every day while also enjoying our favourite treats and even alcohol on a regular basis.

As you now know, you and I are very much alike. We both have busy lives and are willing to do everything we can to balance our hormones, increase our energy levels and retain a youthful appearance while stripping off those hard to lose pounds from our trouble spots.

And so you can see,

...Trouble Spot Nutrition Was Created For You!

If you think that you are too old for this to work or that you have been overweight for too long or your hormones are tooo out of sync then you need to keep reading because Trouble Spot Nutrition is the perfect solution for YOU.

This system is specifically designed for women and men over the age of 30, 40, 50, 60 or even 70 years of age. With Trouble Spot Nutrition you don't have to completely alter your lifestyle to get amazing results- after all, Janet and I are new parents with busy careers and if we can make it work anyone can!

In fact, this is the perfect system for EVERY man or woman who is struggling with losing trouble spot body fat caused by hormonal imbalance.


With Trouble Spot Nutrition You'll Always Have TOTAL Control of Your Fat Burning Hormones!

While other "solutions" rely on complicated and restrictive diets (and insane exercises) with Trouble Spot Nutrition there is none of that nonsense. YOU are in control of how much fat you lose and what spots you wish to target.

I know that this sounds incredible- but this system really is so simple that virtually anybody can follow it. Unfortunately this cannot be said about the majority of super complicated diet and fitness plans out there.

The Internet has made it too simple for people without any credentials; formal education or even experience to put up a web page and sell some silly and ineffective diet program that leaves you frustrated and upset.

That's what makes the Trouble Spot Nutrition program so special- it was designed by a certified nutritionist and is so simple there is no way that you can fail.

Click here to explore more...

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