100 Healthy Raw Snacks! ONLY 27$
Discover The Secret To Eating Tasty Snacks And STILL Eat Healthy.
No, I'm Not Crazy. Well, I Am Crazy -- Crazy For Sweet Treats And Snacks Even Though I Am A Former Body Builder And Fitness Expert. It Works For Me -- And It Will Work For You If You Know My Secret!
If you're like most people, it's a struggle to avoid gaining weight without having to deny yourself when it comes to reaching for quick fix snack when you're in a hurry or need a quick burst of energy. Here's how I feed my snack urges and never waiver from my fitness plan.
Friday, Apr 23 2021
From The Desk Of Carolyn Hansen
I used to think that eating healthy food meant swearing off sweet treats, snacks and desserts. But a chance meeting with a very special plate of fudge opened my eyes (and my mouth) to an amazing way to combine my health and fitness goals with my favorite foods.
Let me tell you more about how I bumped into that plate of fudge and how that encounter will change the way you look and feel.
Hi, I'm Carolyn Hansen. If you know me, you know that I am all into fitness and eating healthy foods. I've written four weight loss books, thousands of articles, and somehow found the time to become a certified fitness expert, competitive bodybuilder and fitness center owner.
But none of that means I don't like to eat.
I LOVE to eat!
I LOVE to eat!
If you love to eat too, but want to avoid unnecessary weight gain, let me tell you a story...
Once upon a time, there was a fat girl who hated mirrors. She hated the mirrors in her house; she hated the mirrors at her office. She hated the endless stream of mirrors and reflective shop windows that seemed to mock her everywhere she went.
Whenever this girl saw her reflection, she was reminded of how unhappy she was. She was reminded of how bad she looked in her clothes. And she was reminded how much she wished she could change her life by changing the way she looked.
I was that fat girl. And one day I decided to make my wish come true.
I'm not going to take you through all the details of how I made the journey from being the fat girl in the mirror to becoming the fit and healthy woman I am today. Instead, I am going to focus on one HUGE mistake I made, so you don't have to make it too.
Once upon a time, there was a fat girl who hated mirrors. She hated the mirrors in her house; she hated the mirrors at her office. She hated the endless stream of mirrors and reflective shop windows that seemed to mock her everywhere she went.
Whenever this girl saw her reflection, she was reminded of how unhappy she was. She was reminded of how bad she looked in her clothes. And she was reminded how much she wished she could change her life by changing the way she looked.
I was that fat girl. And one day I decided to make my wish come true.
I'm not going to take you through all the details of how I made the journey from being the fat girl in the mirror to becoming the fit and healthy woman I am today. Instead, I am going to focus on one HUGE mistake I made, so you don't have to make it too.
Looking Leads To Wanting -- And Wanting
Leads To Eating
Leads To Eating
For a long time (far too long), I was a "food martyr." I made the very common mistake of thinking that losing weight (and keeping it off) meant I could never again eat the things I liked. No sweet treats. No snack foods. Nothing that was fun to eat.
I missed my old friends Coconut Fudge Bars, Almond Cookies and Caramel Dream Bars. But most of all I missed my best food friend: Fudge!
I don't know about you, but I do not have a will of iron. So when the urge to get together with my old "friends" would strike, I'd struggle between telling myself "NO!" and sneaking some guilty pleasure. I'm sad to say, the guilty pleasure usually won out.
There's a reason they call it "guilty pleasure." Because every time I would "cheat", I would feel terrible about it later. I'd beat myself up and vow never to put a good-tasting snack into my mouth again.
I missed my old friends Coconut Fudge Bars, Almond Cookies and Caramel Dream Bars. But most of all I missed my best food friend: Fudge!
I don't know about you, but I do not have a will of iron. So when the urge to get together with my old "friends" would strike, I'd struggle between telling myself "NO!" and sneaking some guilty pleasure. I'm sad to say, the guilty pleasure usually won out.
There's a reason they call it "guilty pleasure." Because every time I would "cheat", I would feel terrible about it later. I'd beat myself up and vow never to put a good-tasting snack into my mouth again.
Oh, what a life of misery...
One day I was sharing my life of misery story with a friend. She stopped me when I started to tell her how much I loved fudge. "Follow me," she said as she walked into her kitchen. She opened up her refrigerator and took out a plate piled high with White Chocolate Gogi Fudge! I was in seventh heaven and depressed both at the same time. "How could you do this to me? You KNOW I can't eat this stuff. I'm DIETING!"
She looked at me with a puzzled expression and said: "Don't you know about this secret recipe? I thought everybody did." I looked back at her with an equally puzzled expression as my hand, with a mind of its own, snatched a glorious piece of fudge from the plate.
"You just grab yourself another bite, because this is healthy fudge you're eating honey!"
She looked at me with a puzzled expression and said: "Don't you know about this secret recipe? I thought everybody did." I looked back at her with an equally puzzled expression as my hand, with a mind of its own, snatched a glorious piece of fudge from the plate.
"You just grab yourself another bite, because this is healthy fudge you're eating honey!"
Healthy fudge? Yeah, right!
But when she gave me the recipe, I was shocked. It WAS healthy fudge. And while there was no way I could sit down and eat the entire plate full (and I WANTED to eat the entire plate full), I could have a piece or two and not worry about the guilt feelings ruining my day!
Once I discovered there was such a thing as healthy fudge, I was committed. Committed to discovering what other tasty surprises I could eat without breaking my commitment to eating healthy food.
And here's what I came up with:
Once I discovered there was such a thing as healthy fudge, I was committed. Committed to discovering what other tasty surprises I could eat without breaking my commitment to eating healthy food.
And here's what I came up with:
100 Healthy Raw Snacks
100 Healthy Raw Snacks

It's your one-stop resource for delicious, healthy, guilt-free snacks that you can eat every day and STILL eat healthy.
And even better, EVERY ONE of these recipes are NO COOK! That right. These are RAW healthy snack foods that taste as good as their fattening counterparts.
And even better, EVERY ONE of these recipes are NO COOK! That right. These are RAW healthy snack foods that taste as good as their fattening counterparts.
I've cut all of the fat out of my e-book too.
So it's just 47 pages of easy-to-follow recipes for amazingly delicious snacks like these:
So it's just 47 pages of easy-to-follow recipes for amazingly delicious snacks like these:

My 100 Healthy Raw Snacks recipe book is the best way to feed your snack urge without impacting your weight loss and fitness goals, and without sweating over a hot stove. These "taste fattening and look fattening" treats are 100% healthy and 100% no cook. So go ahead, eat them guilt free! I do.
But here's the thing. I found that once I'd put together the first 100 recipes I wanted to keep on going. So I did. Before I knew it I'd gone and created two more books, these ones devoted exclusively to desserts:
But here's the thing. I found that once I'd put together the first 100 recipes I wanted to keep on going. So I did. Before I knew it I'd gone and created two more books, these ones devoted exclusively to desserts:
50 Healthy Raw Desserts - Vols. 1 & 2

I became so committed in fact that as I set about creating these no bake, sugar free, gluten free easy to make desserts, I couldn't stop.
My goal was to come up with 50 recipes and publish them for the world to enjoy... but before I knew it - I had overshot that mark and was so delighted with my discoveries, I soon had more than I could fit in one book! So my exuberance is YOUR gain and I'm giving you not one, but TWO volumes to enjoy to your heart's content!
This 2-Volume Set of 50 Raw Desserts is your one-stop resource for delicious, healthy, guilt-free snacks that you can eat every day and STILL eat healthy.
And even better, EVERY ONE of these recipes are NO COOK!
That's right. These are RAW healthy snack foods that taste as good as their fattening counterparts.
My goal was to come up with 50 recipes and publish them for the world to enjoy... but before I knew it - I had overshot that mark and was so delighted with my discoveries, I soon had more than I could fit in one book! So my exuberance is YOUR gain and I'm giving you not one, but TWO volumes to enjoy to your heart's content!
This 2-Volume Set of 50 Raw Desserts is your one-stop resource for delicious, healthy, guilt-free snacks that you can eat every day and STILL eat healthy.
And even better, EVERY ONE of these recipes are NO COOK!
That's right. These are RAW healthy snack foods that taste as good as their fattening counterparts.
I've cut all of the fat out of my e-books too...
So it's just 23 pages of easy-to-follow recipes for amazingly delicious snacks like these:

My 50 Raw Desserts recipe books are the best way to feed your snack urge without impacting your weight loss and fitness goals, and without sweating over a hot stove.
These "taste fattening and look fattening" treats are 100% healthy and 100% no cook...
So go ahead, eat them guilt free! I do.
In fact, I've actually gone ahead and created yet another reason for you to feel great about including these kinds of desserts in your diet by taking the approach one step further. Are you a fan of pumpkin pie? Odds are that you have at least tastes it. But what about Chocolate Zuccini Cheesecake?
This cheesecake recipe is just one of dozens that I have include in the final installment in this series - desserts that include vegetables. Talk about really turning this junk food thing around and getting in your share of healthy foods! Take a look:
These "taste fattening and look fattening" treats are 100% healthy and 100% no cook...
So go ahead, eat them guilt free! I do.
In fact, I've actually gone ahead and created yet another reason for you to feel great about including these kinds of desserts in your diet by taking the approach one step further. Are you a fan of pumpkin pie? Odds are that you have at least tastes it. But what about Chocolate Zuccini Cheesecake?
This cheesecake recipe is just one of dozens that I have include in the final installment in this series - desserts that include vegetables. Talk about really turning this junk food thing around and getting in your share of healthy foods! Take a look:
50 Healthy Desserts With Hidden Veggies

Allow me to give you just a taste of the fifty recipes you'll discover in the 67 pages of this book - all of them illustrated with photographs that show just how tempting these dishes will be when they appear in front of delighted house guests who would never guess just how healthy these dishes really are...
And who would ever guess just by the look of them that every one of these delicious recipes contains a hidden vegetable?
And who would ever guess just by the look of them that every one of these delicious recipes contains a hidden vegetable?
Perfect For Those Fussy Eaters In The House!

So - are you ready to put yummy snacks back into your life without compromising your health and body weight goals?
Because here's the bottom line when it comes to thinking about whether or not these recipes deserve a place in your life:
Then you are exactly the person I created this collection for!
So, now that you have seen the tremendous range of material I have prepared for you today you're probably wondering...
Because here's the bottom line when it comes to thinking about whether or not these recipes deserve a place in your life:
- If you love fudge, pie, cookies and more...
- If you're sick of feeling guilty every time you indulge yourself with a little snack...
- If you're ready to put a smile on your face and healthy nutrient-dense snacks into the mouths of you and your loved ones...
Then you are exactly the person I created this collection for!
So, now that you have seen the tremendous range of material I have prepared for you today you're probably wondering...
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