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ACIDABURN - Goodbye Gut & Belly Fat


Melt 47 Pounds of Pure Belly Fat Without Workout, Pills or Diet!

Product Name: Acidaburn
Official Website: Click here!

The only all-natural solution that utilizes the golden ratio of herbs to help your stomach continue to breakdown fat so that you may properly eliminate it from your system.

The only weight loss solution designed specifically for men and women over 40 that treats the root cause of weight related issues from the inside-out.

Based on the results of thousands of men and women just like you and I…

who have discovered that we are only one simple cure away from supporting the enzymes in our digestive systems

We have taken the time to source the golden ratio of herbs in the exact measurements outlined by Mike

and used our cutting edge, low pressure Cryo Press technology in our FDA certified labs and put them in a specialized, ultra slow time release capsule

…. so that we can maintain 99.6% of all of the nutrients.

Because as you and I established here today,

The war on weight is NOT about doing more exercise or starving yourself...

It’s about the health of your gut microbiome that has the power to keep you slim, youthful and happy.

As you now know, your microbiome are not being supported the way they used to in their 20’s and 30’s…

And to make matters worse...

Most men and women like you especially here in the United States, have been blindly following the wrong methods as they have been misled by those giant health corporations whom target the problem from the outside-in…

Further shattering our metabolisms while preparing us to be tied down by depression, sickness and disease.

Acidaburn reverses and releases you from this.

Because the reality is...

If you want to dramatically change the way you look and the way you feel...

And be in control of just how long you want to live on this planet…

You MUST support your gut biome to reignite relentless weight loss from the inside-out...

Instead of confusing the heck out of them, with harmful chemicals, cleanses, hollywood gadgets and gimmicks.

And the only way to truly do this is by supporting acidic bile production, digestive enzymes and cleansing your small intestines with this all natural herbal solution that supports your gut microbiome.

An herbal solution that is confirmed by one of the world’s healthiest remote island’s off Southeast Asia

And backed by thousands of Acidaburn success stories.

And as you listen to this...

Your body is practically begging you to make this change!

And don’t even get me started on your family’s finances!

Do you really think it's wise to continue spending thousands of dollars on weight loss solutions that clearly don’t work because they weren’t catered for you?

In my opinion, we might as well take our money, walk over to the massive corporations, and shake the hands of the greedy guys in suits…

And put our hard-earned money right into their pockets ourselves...

Because they are literally “banking on you” to fail so they can keep lining their own pockets…

...and have you come right back, begging for more.

But you’re a smart American and I don’t need to tell you how much your body and bank account will THANK YOU….

For finally saying yes to a proven, trusted and reliable, pennies-a-day weight loss system backed by science,

That literally takes only 60 seconds to do every morning…

And that you can start the very moment your order of Acidaburn arrives at your door! Right away!

Fast, safe, rewarding and life-long weight loss...

Is only possible if you’re using a solution that actually works with you to reset your unique internal chemistry..,

And realigns your body deep within,

To prime your metabolism for immediate, long-lasting fat loss.

My team has taken the hard part out and sourced the purest, highest quality, gut healing and intestine supporting nutrient and plant extracts that we’ve spoken about today...

And put the perfect ratio into a small easy-to-swallow capsule you can take right away.

Every capsule is manufactured right here in the USA in our FDA approved and GMP (good manufacturing practice) certified facility under the most sterile, strict and precise standards.

These capsules are vegetarian, non-GMO, 100% safe..

And there is absolutely nothing else in them other than the ancient herbs.

Losing weight with Acidaburn only takes 7 seconds a day!

Everything you need is at your fingertips, literally!

This time, isn’t it a great feeling knowing you will have full control of your body again...

With a clear step by step plan...

Starting today?

The moment you take the done-for-you herbal combination...

You'll begin to override your fat storage system by following a special timing protocol that burns fat 2x faster.

Even more...this all-natural herbal combination has been scientifically proven to support heart health, joint health and even support healthy energy levels!

This would explain how the Marines in our military got so fit so fast!

So you no longer need to choke down tasteless “diet foods” and continue to eat the foods you love.

Remember, you only have one shot at being the best you, and you deserve to be happy...

It’s NOT too late,

Now, after seeing those shocking photos and real-life results,

You may be thinking…

Since this system is the real deal, it must be unaffordable...

But remember how I told you I promised Mike that I’d dedicate my life to expose the real truth about weight loss here in America?

And to help as many men and women as possible…

well, we don’t take that commitment lightly,

So we considered selling the 30 day supply of Acidaburn for $397 online

And that would be a steal compared to what those huge corporations charge for a similar done-for-you solution.

And if you are serious about trying something that’s never been revealed to the public before...

And taking control over your life…

then you need to ask yourself…

How Much is it Worth to You to Wake up and Feel Proud of Your Reflection in the Mirror?

How much is it worth to you to have your friends secretly admiring your incredible transformation?

Can you imagine the feeling when your partner rushes in through the door to grasp you tightly in their arms because your new physique has turned them into a hungry piranha?

Or how much would you pay to never have your kids or your family members worry about your health condition?

How much would that be worth to you?



You see...if you were like my sister….you’re probably a giver and always try to please others…

And even when you want something that you know will change your life...

And you know that it's a once in a lifetime deal…

Sometimes it’s hard to give yourself permission to get something you so desperately need.

And I completely get that….

However…I would hate to see a fellow American walk away because it just wasn’t feasible...

So, I want to make it as affordable as possible so every man or woman can say YES without hesitation.

And truthfully, our former clients may be upset because $397 for a 1 month supply is still an incredible deal...

Compared to the tens of thousands of dollars spent on research and development...not to mention the risk I’ve taken to leak this to you.

But it’s okay because, once again...

...I’ve committed my life to helping men and women just like my sister…

And just like the thousands of clients who have completely changed their lives already.

So we debated giving the 1 month supply away for $197.

But that still just didn’t sit right with me…

I felt that gut-wrenching feeling since so many men and women like you, my sister, and even myself, have been misled for so long…

By giant corporations and hoax marketing methods led by phony “corporate coaches” telling us how to “fix” our bodies.

So we will not be pricing a 1 month supply at $197, or even $99 (The normal online retail price)

Instead, I want to make this a “no-brainer” decision for you…

I want to offer you a special “Online Grand Opening Special” for the last remaining 200 bottles that we have left.

So for today only, for the grand opening specials...

I’m going to take another $40 dollars off...

So you can get a 30 day supply of Acidaburn for a simple one-time fee of just $59/bottle


That’s only $59 Dollars a bottle.

Exclusively for you...

And even though it's money out of my own pocket...

I know deep down this is the right decision to take a giant leap forward towards our goal.

Just do me a small favor…

When your clothes start to fit differently and you feel more energetic by the end of a few weeks…

And you’ve lost more weight than you could ever imagine...

Just take a before and after photo and send it over to me.

And tell a friend or family member about Acidaburn...

So you can gift them with this same opportunity to change their life as you have today,



So by now I’m sure you are excited to get the product for this grand opening special…

And while there’s nothing I want more than to help you make that happen...

But the truth is….

Getting Acidaburn can be actually quite challenging.

You see, first of all...

The golden ratio of herbs must be sourced from their native regions and harvested at a particular time during the year.

This way it ensures their maximum potency.

If we were to mass farm them the way these large corporations do it…

We would completely ruin their native nutrient levels.

So we can only source the special combination of 16 herbs once a year….

On top of that

Our FDA Certified and Made in USA Technology

...The Low Pressure Cryo Press Technology...

Is the only technology in our market that preserves 98.6% of the nutrients of the herbs…

But the problem is, it takes 2 months just to create 1 batch of 250 bottles!

So when we run out of the stock that we have right now….

It takes a while to get the next batch ready to go!

So the smartest and most successful clients of ours have always purchased at least the 6 month, 6 bottle package.

And if you want to make the best decision...

I highly recommend you take advantage of this Online-only Grand Opening Special and select the 6 bottle package below.

Plus, we want you to be completely satisfied…

So we are even going to ship every 3 and 6 bottle order made today with zero shipping charges...

Sounds good?

So look below this video and don’t wait a second longer to take control over your life and health today.

Just select your package below and automatically get your $40 discount

…and remember, as a smart consumer

….you should take this once in a lifetime opportunity and stock up on the 6 bottle option because once we run out

….this incredible herbal combination won’t be restocked for a long time.

And as you’ve seen in the studies today…

Mike and the entire team at Applied Science Nutrition recommends that you take Acidaburn for at least 90 days to ensure you reach your desired weight.

This is because, if you are over 40...

And have been battling weight gain...your microbiome have not been supported properly

Click here to buy!


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